Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Challenging Situation

Tonight I was on duty and ended up having to document my own residents for a policy violation. My residents are used to me being nice to them, being interested in what they have to say, watching out for them, etc., so tonight was a bit of a challenge. I'm not afraid to do my job. If they do something to make me do my job, I will. The rough part is...they don't like that. All of the sudden I'm the bad guy. It's okay when I tell them to quiet down, but not when they are actually documented. Normally when I tell them to quiet down I'm firm but nice. Tonight I feel like I was the same way. Now two of my residents are pretty upset with me. I feel bad. They said things like "Why are you doing this to us?" and "What did we do to you?" and "We're not talking to you anymore." It's not my fault. They broke policy, so they got documented. I tried talking to one of them after the fact, but that didn't go over well. I'm sure things will eventually go back to normal. Right now its just frustrating that they're so mad, when really, it is their fault that they were documented.


  1. Amy:

    The best thing you can do is be very consistent with your residents. They need to know where the boundaries are and what happens - consistently - if boundaries are crossed. You are their RA first and friend second.

    I'm sure things will work out once they think about it from their end.

    Keep your chin up...


  2. Thanks for the advice, dad. I think they're better today, but things are still awkward. At least I know what to expect the next time one of them gets documented.

    See you in a week :)

  3. It is always hard to be the bad guy or the one in charge. Just be nice but firm and they will respect you more for that in the end. This will make you even more ready for when you are a teacher especially if you end up in an upper grade. Love you, Mom
