Saturday, September 5, 2009

The First Weekend of Residents

It's Saturday and most of the residents are out of the building. A lot of them went home because it's Labor Day weekend.

My first duty night was this past Thursday. My duty partner is Todd, a second-year RA. Duty started out slow. We delivered some microfridges, check all the fire extinguishers, went through every floor, and basically made sure the building was secure. We then got a message from one of the other RAs on staff about the possibility of drinking on her floor. It turns out that there was an incident on her floor. We dealt with it, and Todd took charge while I went over policy and got the residents' information. We had a similar situation later that night on a different floor. We also experienced our first situation involving the police and EMS.

It was an eye-opening experience to how the year will go. We can expect a lot of alcohol-related issues to happen during our Thursday night duties. "Thirsty Thursday" is notorious for this. Didn't get a lot of sleep, but learned a lot, and hopefully if we crack down right now from the beginning residents will realize that their negative and illegal choices won't get them very far.

Classes start on Tuesday.

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