Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Day in the Life of an RA

Well, today was pretty darn busy.

It all started at 8:00am. Woke up, thought to myself "A few more minutes" and hit, what I thought, was the snooze button. Unfortunately, I was incorrect.

So, at 9:41am I woke up and realized "Crap. I have to be at class in 19 minutes." Normally on M/W I leave for class at 9:40am. And, lucky again, I had a paper due at exactly 10:00am. I jumped out of bed, threw some water on my face and brushed my teeth and basically jogged to class. I made it, and handed in my paper. Success.

The day continued as normal, class from 10:00am-4:00pm. Six hours of class, two ten minute breaks in between. Classes went pretty well though, I was very rested ;).

I got back to the residence hall and was informed that I needed to go to HR to fill out some form for my job. Nice. That walk back to campus was AWESOME. Sarcasm.

Then I got back, finally got to take a shower. Then I worked on my RA weekly report, and headed to dinner with residents. Had some really good resident interactions at dinner.

Then I went to SAA. It was fun.

Came back to A/S, worked on RA stuff like program planning, poster making, and floor sign making.

Then, at about 10:30pm, it was time for homework! Luckily I only have one class on T/R. Read, and now it's time for bed.

Busy day, great day.


  1. Amy:

    When you get old like us oversleeping is not an issue! Something to look forward to (sarcasm returned).

    Sounds like you handled things well Monday. Glad to hear it. It's also nice that you hang out with your residents at dinner. I don't recall my RAs doing that. Has to be a great way to continue to get to know them.

    Too bad Buster wasn't around to give you rides around campus yesterday! Tell that nag to step up a little...

    See you soon.



  2. Hi Amy,
    I wish I could oversleep. I hope you had good dreams. Your residents must love you. My RA my freshman year was named Linda Sue and I don't think I ever had a conversation with her. You are special.
    See you soon.
    Keep up the blogging. I love to read them.
