Monday, October 12, 2009


Hello! It's MONDAY.

This week shouldn't be too bad. I had an exam today, and have another class that I should leave for in about five minutes. Hopefully that'll be enough time for a quick update.

We aren't having one-on-ones this week or our weekly staff meeting, so my Tuesday should be a lot less hectic. I have some studying to do though, and a pretty important paper due Wednesday. No SOC class Wednesday, though, so that's definitely a plus. Other than that, things are pretty normal.

I'm not hosting any programs this week, either, but planning one for next week. We have to do certain programs based on Residence Life standards, called "Foundations." I'm hosting an academics-based program next week with another RA in the building for one of our Foundations requirements. We haven't decided what it will be on yet, but eh we're not too worried about it. Not a lot of people come to academic programs, so we need a way to trick them into coming, be it offering food or just changing the name so it sounds cooler than it actually is.

Haven't had any resident issues lately, which is good. Everyone seems to be settling down a little which is encouraging. However, this weekend is Central vs. Western, so things will probably be crazy. Half of the staff will be on duty for the weekend (just Friday and Saturday) but it still kind of sucks because that means we don't get to go to the game. The other half of staff will be on duty next weekend for Homecoming weekend. I mean, this is what we signed up for. We are supposed to have to make certain sacrifices. But we're also college students and a rival football game at home is a pretty big deal. I'd be more upset if I was like a senior or something and it was like the last chance to go to the game, but, in reality it's not that big of a deal. I'm sure we'll all just end up watching it on TV in the lounge. Eh.

Okay I've got to get to class. BYE.


  1. Amy:

    Nice to hear from you. Sounds like you have a pretty manageable week this week. Hope it goes well.

    We're looking forward to the 24th. Tell Buster he better have the $$ he owes me or else!!!

    Love you...


  2. Hi Amy,
    I hope you have an easier week and things stay calm. See you soon!
    Love, mom
